This Is Me

This is me. This is who I am. I am skulls and stars and hearts. I am music, writing, deep thoughts, lingering questions, painful memories. I am dreams, aspirations, hope for a better tomorrow. I am love, romance, friends, family. Me. I am this. This is who I am. Why is that so hard? Why is it so hard for me to say? Why is it so hard for you to accept. You who judge, who throw labels like bullets. But your aim is as accurate as your perceptions of me, and your bullets only wound. So I am alive, but in pain. Stop shooting or shoot to kill. Stop causing me this misery or end it once and for all. I will make you play the ultimate game of Choose; accept me or destroy me. But I can't make you choose because I fear your decision. In darkness there is fear, but there is also hope. If I step into the light, stand up to you and the harsh eyes of the world, even this shred of hope may be lost. So this is me, cowering in dark corners, clinging to my torn rags of hope. This is who I am. This is me.