Friday, March 06, 2009


Life starts out so simple. At a young age we start to learn words: mommy, daddy, yes, no, home. Home? At the time, it’s very simple. Home is where Mom and Dad are. Home is the house where all our toys are. Home is the twin bed with Disney sheets we climb into every evening. At a certain point we become aware of feelings that we associate with home, though we can’t quite understand them. Home is safety, consistency, comfort. Home is the most important place in the whole world.

But years pass at unimaginable speeds and the day comes that each of us moves away from home. We don’t just leave behind a building. We don’t just leave behind our parents, possessions and childhood bedroom; we leave behind security, we leave behind confidence. We have no more refuge. We may have a dorm room or even a trendy apartment, but we are homeless. We experience the feelings of “home” in other ways. We are home when we’re surrounded by old friends, laughing so hard it hurts. We are home when we’re in the arms of the person we love most in this world. But what happens when these friends leave? What happens when the one you love betrays you (as they always will)? What happens when you find yourself sitting in an empty room staring at a fuzzy television screen? What happens when you crawl into a cold bed at the end of a trying day and have no one to kiss away your tears? The idea of “home” is so fleeting. We feel it for an instant and then it’s lost, leaving us more alone than ever. Home is still the most important place in the world, but we’ll spend the rest of our lives searching for it.

We should all be responsible for our own happiness. We rely too much on external things, and then the world disappoints and people are sad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so true...It's really sad.

2:58 p.m.  

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