Thursday, August 03, 2006

God's Greatest Masterpiece

The dwindling light creates a mystical glow through the trees. The last fading rays of the fiery red sun bounce off the rippling surface of the water. The waves are like millions of tiny diamonds, not one of them perfect but together creating a masterpiece. God's masterpiece. Soon even these persistent rays will die, succombing to the night, and the scene will be filled with a peaceful darkness. The moon will appear, a ghostly image in the sky. The stars will follow, creating pictures. Animals, warriors, lovers alike will dance across the sea above, another work of God, just as beautiful as the one it looks down upon. As the night goes on, the moon and the stars will shine more fiercely than ever. Their light will be seen, dancing on the waves. The sea and the sky intertwined. Each one is a masterpiece of God, brilliant on its own. But together as one they are so breathtakingly beautiful, one can imagine nothing else so perfect. We too are each one of God's masterpieces. As individuals we are great. But if we could learn to dance in harmony as the stars and the seas, what then could we be?


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