Friday, September 26, 2008
I swore last time that it wasn't stress from school. It wasn't stress over money. It wasn't heartbreak. It wasn't because I had done something I couldn't bare to face. It wasn't because I had no friends. It wasn't because I had suffered some trauma. It wasn't because my family was far away and I felt like I had no home anymore. It wasn't because of music, movies or books. It wasn't any one of those things. I swore to it. And I still believe it's true. The thing is, I never did figure out what it was. Now it's coming back. And I kicked him out of my life so this time I'm more alone than ever...
Monday, September 22, 2008
These Eyes
The salty water holds its place behind red eyes. Glazed over eyes. Empty eyes. These eyes, once so full of bright blue life, of love, now stare unbreakingly at nothing in particular. Signals rush through nerves at unimaginable speeds directing the eyes to move, to blink, to sleep. But the heart has lost all control. There are no emotions behind these eyes. No brightness and excitement. No hope and longing. No happiness. Not even sadness. There is no meaning anymore. Why take in the sights of this world if none of them is you? Without you there is no beauty that could possibly dazzle these eyes again.