Thursday, January 11, 2007

A Few Small Steps in the Right Direction

i got my first (but hopefully not last) letter of acceptance from a university today! well i guess yesterday since it's after midnight but ya.. it's not my first choice but it's still pretty amazing. actually i'm not entirely sure what my first choice is so i can't even say that it's not. ahhh! and they offered me $3000 :D i also went to youth group today and that was pretty sweet. the people there are so incredibly nice and full of love and it's just great to see. and i talked to someone else today about what i've been going through. i didn't go into a lot of details but i think she understood a little bit cause shes been through some similar stuff and it just felt really good. i'm starting to see that i'm really not alone in this or in anything i go through. everyone goes through really big things that they hide from everyone until it breaks them down and they can't take it anymore. if we all just realized that and asked for help a little earlier things would be so different. and after i talked to that girl i texted the guy who's been helping me cause i just felt so happy and he said "you are definately loved Trisha by me and many others... goodnight beautiful" i love it when he calls me beautiful. i've decided i'm gonna start calling my friends beautiful once in a while. and telling them more often that i love them. because if i've been hiding this stuff from them, who knows what they've been hiding from me? maybe they just need a hug and to know that they're loved. afterall, isn't that really all any of us needs?


Blogger Aisling. said...

I'm so glad that you've finally been able to talk to someone who can help about all this that you're going through; I can honestly say it broke my heart reading your blog & knowing I could do nothing; & I hope you'll recover soon :]

& I love it when my friends tell me they love me too; the world would be such a better place if everyone thought like that. <3

12:14 p.m.  

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