Friday, December 29, 2006


sometimes i want someone to ask me how i am. i don't mean just ask the question, i mean really ask me how i am. really mean it. really care about the answer i give them. and when i lie through the smile i'm struggling to hold on my face, i want them to grab my hand, hold it tight, look me in the eye, and tell me to tell the truth. i want someone to tell me that they don't want me to hurt anymore. tell me that it tears them up inside when they see me tearing myself apart. tell me that they miss my smile, the real one, when my eyes would glow and the world seemed a better place just because of it. tell me that they would do anything just to see that smile again, to see me happy.

sometimes, that's what i want.

but most of the time, the thought of showing my true self to someone terrifies me.


Blogger Aisling. said...

Wow. This is probably one of the most powerful blog entries I've ever read.. but I know how you feel. & you have to get help before it becomes really REALLY bad. I let it get really bad & then something terrible happened. I don't have the authority to tell you this; hey; we don't even live in the same continent; never mind being proper friends; but I don't want what happened to me happen to anyone else aswell.

I hope you have a close friend or relative who can get you the help you need [and deserve].

12:20 p.m.  

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