Saturday, June 03, 2006

hiding behind your wall

this place is so messed up. you are so messed up. you use me. you keep me locked out. you don't let me in till you're packed up to go, leaving your fucking mess behind for me to clean up. i'm tired of picking up after you. i'm tired of taking this shit from you. you fucking pretend to open up but you're still hiding behind your words. your words are beautiful, there's no denying it, but they're not YOU. they're only a part of you. be a fucking coward and shield yourself from our thoughts. keep the door shut, barred and locked. shout at us from behind your fucking wall. tell us that we don't fucking care. tell us that we're wrong. that we're out to get you. tell us whatever the hell you want. but you know it's bullshit. we know you're only lying to yourself. i'm not asking for you to break down the wall. no one's strong enough for that, i know i'm not. all i'm asking is that you open a window. just a crack. that's all i ask of you. all i ask for you.


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