If you're reading this, welcome to my blog. I haven't actually given out the address to any of my friends or family, and I don't intend on doing that, so the chances that I actually know you are pretty slim so I'll just take this moment to say "Hi! Nice to meet you!". You might be interested in knowing why I started this blog, so I'll just go ahead and tell you right now. I, like everyone, often have a lot of things I need to say, but I don't always know who to turn to. How are we supposed to express feelings when these feelings could negatively impact a relationship with a close friend? The only solution I could find: you just don't. That's it. But after time these emotions start to pile up and they become the only thing you can think about. So this is my solution. I will pour some of my most personal thoughts out onto this website (although I also recently started writing in a journal and there are some things that I've written in my journal that I haven't gotten the courage to post yet). Anyone can read what I right, but no one will know who I am. I can say whatever I want and hopefully get some feedback from other people, but I will never have to worry about hurting one of my friends, or about one of my friends rejecting me for how I feel. So go ahead, read my writing, comment if you want, and my only hope that maybe someday something that I right when I'm going through a hard time will help someone else out there going through something similar.
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