Wednesday, March 29, 2006

In My Dreams

I long to dream of a better world. a world without war. without racism. without poverty. without hunger. Of happiness. satisfaction. peace. love. equality. Of sunshine on rainy days. Of laughter in quiet rooms. Of puppies in abandoned fields. Of friends. family. lovers. Of lives not clouded with suffering.
These are what I long to dream of.
Instead I dream of reality.
I dream of war. guns. blood. death. hate. I dream of poverty. hunger. tears. pain. suffering. I dream of murder. rape. torture. fear. senselessness. I dream of our world.
My dreams are no longer an escape from reality, but a reminder of it. The dirt of the world has tainted the most innocent, the most beautiful depths of our imaginations. The evils of the world flow like poisons, infecting our minds and souls.
And so at night, as I feel myself drifting to dreams, I pray for darkness in my slumber.
Sometimes, to cower in darkness is less frightening than turning on the light. Because sometimes, to live in darkness is easier than seeing the truth.


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