Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I wonder who actually reads this blog. I've been writing here for over 8 months now, and in that time I have apparently had 99 profile views (Will you be lucky #100?). Considering how long I've had this blog, that number is relatively low. However, considering the fact that I have never actually given this address to anyone, that number surprises me. What 99 people have checked out my profile? What 99 people have read my writing? And what 99 people didn't leave a comment? I don't write for other people; I write for myself because it helps me to sort out my feelings. Even so, it would be nice to get some feedback once in a while. Sometimes I wonder if there's anyone out there who checks my blog regularly, hoping that I've updated. If I just stopped writing tomorrow would anyone wonder what happened to me? If I died tomorrow would anyone miss my writing? I think all those people out there who have blogs like mine that they keep secret from those they love probably like to think, like me, that maybe, just maybe, someone out there loves to read their stuff. And maybe someone is going through something similar and, without knowing it, their writing is helping that person get through a tough time. Maybe someone will learn something. I know I like to think all of that sometimes. But of course I have no idea, because no one has ever left a comment. If you're reading this, I'd love to know who you are and what you think about my writing. Even more, I'd love to know why you're reading this at all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi. i came to your blog through tellthemday, which i got through from white hat stories, which i got to through postsecret.. I've always wanted to have a secret (but not private) blog.. I have a livejournal, but all my friends do too and can read mine.. But sometimes there are just things you need to say that they don't want to hear, and you don't want them to hear, yah know? ... I haven't really read much of yours, just the last 3 entries i think (i just stumbled upon your page just now).. hope that is ok. maybe i'll check back sometime, and see if you replied.

10:40 p.m.  
Blogger writer at heart said...

anonymous, i know exactly what u mean about things that your friends don't want to hear and things that you don't want them to hear.. i suggest starting a blog like this one it's really helped me a lot! if you do, feel free to leave the link to your page and i'll read it if u want because i know that sometimes you just want SOMEONE to know what you're going through..

5:41 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just stumbled across your page as well, via the same route as anonymous.. And I'm reading it because, well, why not? Other people are interesting, and I love seeing/reading/experiencing other peoples' opinions through whatever means given to me.

Besides, it's awesome to be able to communicate with people who are aware of sites like Post Secret, Tell Them Day, and The White Hat People.

6:02 p.m.  

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